We are all fascinated and attracted to nature. At the same time, we, the human race, must protect ourselves from the power of nature. Man, family, business enterprise seeks safety and comfort in buildings and in community environment. Sun, rain, snow, wind and the atmosphere are the essential elements of which make up our surrounding natural condition necessary for our existence on earth. However, when any one of these elements is activated beyond its normal state, then, they become our enemy. Here is where architects come into picture. Architects have the expertise in controlling the natural elements through proper design of the built environment. Architects create built environment in which the users can function efficiently and live comfortably. Architects are the professionals in proposing perfect architectural space for the owner and the user of the facility.
With their expertise and knowledge of the technology and the built environment, architects, also, has the skills to design efficient and functional and beautiful urban environment. Architects, through collaboration with economists, government, civic organizations, urban planners, formulate program for the urban mechanism, realizing the vision of the stakeholders to facilitate the creation of ideal urban design.
A T-Life architect has a principal, which promotes experimental approach with unique design methods to propose innovative solutions to a project.
A T-Life architect promotes and creates economical, effective sustainable architecture, which represents the requirement and social responsibility of the client.
A T-Life architect promotes and creates economical, effective sustainable architecture, which represents the requirement and social responsibility of the client.